Relief therapy for chonic muscle and joint pain

Relief of pain & fatigue

Over the years, it has become apparent that relying on single interventions is often ineffective and short-lived. This is why we have have developed a combination program specifically to reduce long-term pain and fatigue. Read more about our research on the effects of lidocaine here:


3 components of combination therapy


1) Muscle injections

This treatment involves a series of injections that target the painful muscles located in both sides of the shoulder and lower back. The injection is done with lidocaine, a local anesthetic that has local but also widespread effects throughout the body. The anesthetic effect occurs because lidocaine blocks the sodium channels of nociceptive neurons. This prevents painful sensory information from being delivered towards the brain.

2) Daily exercise

To maximize the effects of lidocaine injections, aerobic muscle activity is necessary. Muscles can produce powerful anesthesia when activated. Incorporate more movements into your daily routine by considering these activities:

  • parking farther away
  • taking the stairs
  • walking
  • biking

3) Mindfulness therapy

Chronic pain has both a physical and emotional component. Improving your depressed mood and worries through brief mindfulness sessions is a critical part of effective pain therapy.

We recommend spending 10 minutes of meditation either after waking up, before bedtime, or both. Please refer to our mindfulness recording and resources for guidance on how to get started.