General Information on Rheumatologic Diseases
The faculty at the Division of Rheumatology and Clincial Immunology is actively involved in research on osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Wegener’s granulomatosus and gout. Information on multiple rheumatologic syndromes is available by clicking on the titles.
There are over 100 different types of arthritis found in man. Here are a few incidences of different rheumatological diseases.
1 in 8 Osteoporosis
1 in 10 Osteoarthritis
1 in 33 Fibromyalgia
1 in 100 Rheumatoid Arthritis
1 in 1,000 Juvenile Chronic Arthritis
1 in 1,000 Ankylosing spondylitis
1 in 2,000 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
1 in 10,000 Systemic Sclerosis
Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Regular Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal aches, pain and stiffness, soft tissue tenderness, general fatigue, and sleep disturbances. The most common sites of pain include the neck, back, shoulders, pelvic girdle, and hands, but any body part can be affected. Fibromyalgia patients experience a range of symptoms of varying intensities that wax and wane over time.
We offer additional information about fibromyalgia, exercise tips, a recommended exercise plan, sleep tips, anxiety tips, a recommended relaxation technique, what you can do well to live with fibromyalgia, and a few videos to help you better understand the disease.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
We have treatment recommendations for chronic fatigue syndrome including lifestyle interventions, like improving sleep, memory, exercise and diet and reducing stress. We also have an interesting article about the history of chronic fatigue syndrome and a video with some of our recent research findings.