Central nervous system regulation of “sensitivity” seems to affect more than pain. We found that sensitivity to sound and painful stimuli are increased in patients with fibromyalgia. Currently, we are working on examining a similar relationship for light and pain. In a study of 25 migraine patients involved green light therapy was used for headaches. For the first half of the study, participants spent two hours in a dark room with only a white light as a control and then for the second half, the white light was replaced with a strand of green LED lights. On average, the participants experienced six migraines a month compared to 20 at the start and a 60% decrease in the intensity of them. The research has a long way to go to support it as a truly beneficial treatment for headaches, but the team leading this project is beginning additional studies looking at the impacts on other types of pain, including fibromyalgia. Maybe all the time spent around green LED lights this Christmas could help your pain!